Welcome. I have learned a lot from new friends I made on Acoustics Fora over the years. I am now in the process of inviting those friends here. My wish is to provide a warm place for discussion, learning, sharing. But with a much higher Signal to Noise Ratio than more open and populist Fora.
A 'boutique' space for Pros Students and the Curious.
Rules? NonAnon - Real Names are mandatory. A widely known Nickname is of course fine too,
BUT your Real Name and contact info needs to be publicly visible in your Profile, or Signature.
Everyone is welcome to read the forum, but posting requires Membership, which is by Invite or Referral or Request, PM me.
The Metric Systeme International is a norm in Science and most of the world. Ditto English spelling. Best avoid confusions like Vu Metre.....
BIG works Acoustically
Foam works Acoustically
DSP conditioning of Speakers works Acoustically (despite the misleading title Digital Room Correction)
The Wall in Front of us is the Front Wall
The Wall behind us is the Back Wall
Often to mostly Speakers work best IN the FW, Flush mounted. Next best options are twofold. FAR from the FW, at least 2.2 Metres from it. OR kissing the FW, as near as possible. A little rubber stick on foot or masking tape will prevent contact and scratching. The worst locations are in between.

Flat Frequency Response is heard in Anechoic Spaces, outdoors, in snow or sand, and in Audiometric Headphones. It is about 6dB Tilted away from normal listeners rooms. 3dB up at LF and 3dB down at HF. Many of us apply such a tilt or the classic Bruel & Kjaer or Harman Listening curves to work in the same tonality as our listeners will hear. This greatly facilitates Translation.